We had a wonderful and blessed Christmas this year.
On Christmas Eve, we ate shrimp and grits with my parents and then went to the candlelight service at Midway Presbyterian. We also kept an eye on the weather. They are still calling for snow!
I slept late on Christmas Day (I am enjoying it while I can!)! Tim fixed French toast, scrambled eggs, and grits for breakfast. Then we opened our presents. Because we have some big expenses coming up, we did not buy a lot of gifts for each other. Tim got some cologne and a book, and I got new gloves and a gift card. It was exciting getting to open up present for Baby Van Heule from Tim's parents and Susie. Baby VH will look great in brown and gold! It is hard on Tim being so far away from his family but especially hard during Christmas! Hopefully, the Skype conversations will start soon!
(I can't get these pictures turned the right way!)
Next we went to my parent's house to open Santa presents. Of course my mom did way too much. Please remember that we took a trip to NYC a couple of months ago, and that was supposed to be everyone's Christmas present. We enjoyed opening gifts with my mom and dad, and Brent and Whitney.
Unfortunately, I was not feeling well. I have just been achy and tired, so I did not go with my parents to my aunt and uncle's out at the lake. I hate that I missed seeing everyone, but I napped the entire time they were gone. It started snowing right before my parents got home! I guess the weather people were right!
We headed to Greenville around 5:00 as the snow really tired falling hard! Of course, all of the kids were excited about the snow. It doesn't get much better-snow and Christmas! We usually only get snow once a year, and it never snows on Christmas! This was a really big deal! (The upstate of SC has not had a White Christmas since 1963. That fact was on the news every 5 minutes!) Of course, we ate too much food and Tim's White Elephant gift was the best of the night! Baby VH got more presents tonight! Everyone is thinking that the baby is a boy. Kristi and Ashlyn do the "pencil test", and the pencil went in a circle. That means the baby is a girl! Who knows? I can't decide what I think it is. I have no strong feelings either way. February 1 can't get here fast enough!
It was really snowing on our way home from Greenville! It was hard to see the road sometimes. Thankfully, we made it home safely. There was only one area where we slid (right before we pulled into my parent's neighborhood). We actually had less snow at our house than my parent's did. We probably had 1 1/2 inches. Of course, Splash loved it!
The best part of Christmas is always getting to spend time with family. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband, loving and supporting parents, a great brother and sister-in-law, Tim's wonderful family, and all of fabulous extended family (love the Griswalds!). Baby VH is going to be one lucky baby having all of these wonderful people in his/her life!