Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 23, 2016

Walker is 7 months (and a few days)

So I realized I never did a 6 months post... At 6 months, Walker was sitting up by himself and eating lots of baby food.

At 7 months:

  • Weighs 19 lbs and 3 oz
  • Wears 9m-12m
  • Hates socks
  • Size 3 diapers
  • Sits up independently
  • Moves from sitting to crawling position and back
  • Moves around the room by crawling backwards, rolling, and crawling forwards a little
  • Babbles a lot
  • Loves big boy toys and really doesn't like baby toys
  • Can pull up on the couch
  • Has 3 teeth and 3 more popping through
  • Loves to eat- oatmeal, apples, sweet potatoes, pancakes, bread, pizza
  • Dislikes anything green and gets so mad when we sneak in a spoon
  • Prefers real food over baby food
  • Loves Mum Mums and does really well feeding himself
  • Loves to cuddle when he naps
  • Naps around 10, 1, and 4:30
  • Sleeps 8:00-6:00
  • Has another ear infection (This makes 3 since his 3 month appointment. Jackson has only had 1 his entire life!)) He is on 20 days of antibiotics.  He goes back for a recheck January 11th. If they are not clear at that appointment, we are headed to the ENT for tubes.
  • Happy Baby
Time, slow down! Walker is growing up so fast. I feel like he has done everything sooner than the other two, and it makes me sad!

I love this age where his personality is starting to show!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Adventure

The big boys spent the day at church, so we surprised them with a Christmas adventure. We went to eat at Carraba's. Jackson loved his pizza. Walker loved his bread. Brooks loved his ketchup.

Then we went to Roper Mountain lights followed by a quick trip to the mall.

Central Christmas Pageant

The boys have spent the weekend getting ready for the annual church Christmas Pageant. Jackson has been so excited to be a shepherd. That is what he wanted to be. Brooks was a donkey. His choir got to pick any animal they wanted to be. He wanted to a lion, a tiger, and then Paw Patrol. He settled for a donkey costume that Noni and I made.

On Saturday the boys has a rehearsal and then a birthday party for Jesus. The shepherds were having too much fun sword fighting with their " hooks."

The had to be dressed and ready to rehearse at 3:00. All of the little animals were so cute.

Brooks has a cold so he spent most of the show picking his nose with his middle finger or turned around talking to "Rudolph." He must have been hot too because he rolled up his pants. Of course he was right up front.

Jackson did not sing much but he was a good shepherd!

We enjoyed our spaghetti dinner and pictures with Santa. Of course Walker almost yanked off Santa's beard.  The evening ended in tears- Brooks broke his candy cane! You can't eat a broken candy cane!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Way Behind and 3 Things

Life has been busy, and I have not had any extra time to blog. We have been rushing around and enjoying time together. 

3 updates about everyone

  • Loves to eat especially Baby Mum Mums, fruits, and sweet potatoes!
  • Has become mobile-scoots on his bottom, goes from sitting to stomach, rolls over
  • Starting separation anxiety- does not want to be left alone in a room
  • Rarely naps but falls asleep in the car on the way home. It is not pretty!
  • Has been learning a lot in school including " oppopites"
  • Still loves to sing and dance including his booty dance
  • Does really well with his popcorn words and reading
  • Hates writing
  • Has really adjusted well to school and has made some new friends
  • Busy at work and spends many evenings working
  • Dreads raking all the leaves
  • Still cooks most of the meals at home!
Mary Elizabeth
  • Soaking up all of the precious time with my family and boys
  • Behind in school work, house work, exercise, and Christmas shopping
  • Looking forward to sleeping in one morning (past 6 am)- hopefully in the next year!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Walker is 5 months old!

Sweet Walker is now 5 months old. He has changed so much in the last month!

  • wears 6 months
  • Size 2 diapers
  • Smiles and talks
  • Sits up pretty much on his own but still loses balance occaionally
  • Wants to play all the time and be in the middle of everything
  • Tried oatmeal, bananas, and apples
  • Got his first tooth
  • Wants to be big so badly
  • Still eats 6 oz every 3 hours
  • Sleeps 8-5:30 every night
  • Loves to cuddle
  • Loves to be outside
  • Tries really hard to sit up if he's lying down
  • Loves to play with his feet

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jackson's Soccer Season

Jackson has improved so much with soccer this season. He keeps up running and has kicked the ball a few times. He has also thrown it in a couple of times. He likes sitting on the sidelines with his friends.  He has really come out of his shell! I am so proud of him!

Brooks has enjoyed plenty of blue slushies and the chance to play Grady a few times. Walker has loved being held!

So Long September!

I have to admit I am glad September is over! It has been a long, hard month for so many reasons.  We've had some good times too though.  My mom had a mastectomy on September 15th. Tim took off and kept the boys. Kristi helped him, while TuTu stayed at the hospital with us. Dr. Bailey came and prayed with us which was wonderful. Dr. Austin was her anesthesiologist, and he was just as funny as when he did my epidural. Dr. Buice was wonderful, and the surgery lasted only a few hours. I stayed at the hospital that night, and the nurses were all really nice. Mom went home the next day.

The past two weeks have been hard waiting on all of the pathology results. The good news is that the margins and lymph nodes are clear. The bad news is that the tumor was very large, much larger than all of the images showed. The next step is chemo and radiation which Mom is not happy about.  It is what it is though.

To add to all of this, there was a school shooting at an elementary school in Anderson where one little boy was killed, and another child and a teacher were injured. I know some people who teach there. That is my worst nightmare as a parent and a teacher. It has been a very sad weekend and a month full of lots of prayers.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Grandma and Grandpa's Visit

We were very blessed that Grandma and Grandpa could come out almost a week early. They kept the two little boys all week which relieved so much stress.  We were able to work, and I was able to check on Mom without worrying about the boys. I could not have asked for anything better, and I can't thank them enough.  Plus the boys LOVED getting to spend all that time with Grandma and Grandpa. They spent lots of time playing outside and eating Chick-fil-A.  We also spent a lot of time on the soccer fields.

Susie and Emma arrived Friday night. We headed up to Sky Top to pick apples along with 10,000 other people. We ate at the Smokin' Pig or Mokin Pig according to Brooks. We also spent lots of time hanging out at home and playing. The boys loved having Emma here even if Brooks did refer to her as he or him the whole time.

We all rode to the airport to take Emma and Susie. Jackson had an episode with the escalators which was quite funny. Life was so crazy when they were all her that it really feels like we didn't spend that much time together, but it was so wonderful to see them.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Walker is 4 Months

I can't believe this sweet boy is 4 months old!

  • Wears some 3 months and mostly 6 months
  • Size 2 diapers
  • Drinks 6 ounces at a time every 3 hours
  • Has been waking up around 2 am for cuddles
  • Loves to play with toys
  • Loves the exersaucer
  • Loves to splash in the bath
  • Favorite toy is a fabric book that makes crunch noises
  • Smiles a lot and laughs at his brothers
  • Loves to be held
  • Wants to sit up and can for about 30 seconds
  • Reaches for toys

We love this sweet, precious boy!

Monday, September 5, 2016

iPhone Dump

Jackson at Dawson's Party

Jackson is Terrific Kid!

First Soccer Practice

Hard Week

This past week has been really hard. My mom had a biopsy, and the results were not what we hoped for. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time (17 1/2years later). This time it is more serious. She had a MRI, and we meet with a surgeon this week to get the results and get a plan together. This. Has been really hard. I've been in this situation before, but it's so much harder this time. My mom is my best friend and the only person I trust my boys with on a daily basis. Waiting on results is so hard.  I have been praying so much that it was caught early and that she can beat it again.

Sky Top 2016

Today we headed up to Flat Rock to pick apples at Sky Top Orchards.  We got there around 10, and it was already crowded. We finally found a good tree and a wagon. Jackson climbed that apple tree like a pro. I was so proud of him. He has really turned into a risk-taker since starting kindergarten. Brooks loved running around and putting the apples in the baskets. Walker liked looking around.

We enjoyed the tractor ride. Brooks stood in line with me to get apple cider donuts and apple cider slushies.

We enjoyed lunch in Greenville before the big boys spent the afternoon with Noni. Then we enjoyed yummy lasagna.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Brent's Birthday

We celebrated Brent's birthday Wednesday night at Your Pie. The boys love that place. They love playing with the dough and the gelato.

We celebrated again on Sunday night with lasagna and cake. Walker was excited about his first lasagna. He looks so much like Jackson in his picture with his first lasagna. Poor Brooksie. I don't think he has a picture with his first lasagna.

The boys tried on some Halloween costumes after dinner. It was hilarious!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Reed's Birthday

We took a quick dat trip to Charleston along with Noni and Papa Jerry for Reed's birthday party. We left early and ate lunch at Red's in Mt. Pleasant. The weather was perfect so we ate outside. A tropical storm came through yesterday, so it really cooled things down. The boys were really good at lunch and loved watching all of the boats.

We stopped by Hollipops to look at the toys. Jackson loves Playmobil, so he loved all of their stuff there.

Downtown was busy, but we did walk down at White Point Gardens. There was lots of debris leftover from the storm. We did manage a few pictures that really captured the boys' personalities.

We had a great time at the party visiting with family. The boys had a blast playing with Brynlee and Reed. I wish they got to play with each other more.

We headed home and had to stop at a big truck stop to burp Walker. The big boys loved it. We listened to the beginning of the Clemson-Auburn game.  Walker and I dozed through the rest of the game once we got home. We were excited about our first win.