Jackson still loves school. He does not like doing any school work at home though. He is still working on writing his name. He knows his letters and numbers and a lot of sounds. I registered him for kindergarten at my school. I am excited for him to be there with me, but it also breaks my heart! He loves to watch You Tube videos on toys like Cars and PlayMobile. He is quite a good helper and works hard to clean up and please. He is playing t-ball and had 2 practices. He knows some of the boys from school, church, and soccer. I think he likes it so far.
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of James Walker. We have about 7 weeks left, and I can't wait to him. Plus I am over being pregnant. People ask all of the time if we are going to have #4, and the answer is absolutely not. Besides having not have enough room or money for another one, I never want to be pregnant again. I have not slept a full night since January, I get heartburn from eating a saltine cracker, and every part of my body aches! I am still fighting off this cough, but I can't take anything stronger until JW is here. Because of the cough, my throat hurts, my ribs hurt, and I have no voice by the end of the day. I am just over it. I love the little kicks and the anticipation, but I am more than ready for James Walker to be here!