Wow! I can't believe that I haven't posted in over a week. Well, really I can believe it because the past couple of weeks have been so crazy. I had something to do every day after school last week plus a class that lasted most of the day on Saturday! Then this week has just been insane and LONG!
Big News! Jackson got his first tooth today. It must have poked through during the last 24 hours. My mom sent me an email today that said Jackson had a surprise for me. The second bottom tooth looks like it is going to poke through at any minute. Maybe he will be in a better mood now. We went to therapy again today, and Jackson cried almost the whole time. He is keeping his head more in the middle, and we are still working on rolling over!
We have two more days of work before 2 weeks off, and I can't wait! I started baking my cookies tonight. Hopefully, I will be done by Saturday. It is harder to get stuff done since Jackson demands your full attention. Who knows if my gifts will ever get wrapped? I know that I should be doing it after he goes to bed, but I am too tired to do that. School is wearing me out this year!
I had big plans for this Advent Calendar that I saw on Pinterest. I have my list made, but I haven't done it yet. Maybe I will get to it before Christmas. We have already planned on some things to do next week including visiting the Gingerbread Houses at the Grove Park Inn, getting Jackson's 6 month pictures made, finishing shopping, and wrapping presents. On a totally unfun note, I had a small melanoma (early stage) removed last week, and I have to go back next week to have all of the margins removed. That means more stitches and bandages changes. Plus, I will not be able to pick up Jackson for 2 weeks. I also don't know if I will get to run in my 5k either since I am not supposed to exercise (On a good note, I ran 2 miles last night. I will post more about First Flight in another post.). All of my big plans of getting the house superclean and organized have been pushed back again. I really had no choice but to do it next week. I really need to have it done this year since I have already met my deductible. Medical bills are just killing me this year.
You are probably wondering about my lack of pictures. It is not because I have not been taking them. We are completely out of space on our hard drive. In other words, there are thousands of pictures on here, and we need more hard drive. Once I get bills paid and presents bought, I hope to be able to buy an external hard drive. Until then, no pictures. I will have to catch up with pictures later.
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