Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29 = Leap Year

Our weeks seem to get more and more busy.  I have not been feeling well, so Tim has being taking care of a lot of stuff around the house including Jackson! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband!

We are loving our new van!  It is wonderful, and Jackson LOVES looking out the window.  He also loves the built-in sunshade!

We went on Monday to get Jackson measured for his tot collar.  This should help correct the head tilt.  We should get it in about a week, and then the real fun begins!  I am not looking forward to making Jackson wear it, but it needs to be done.  We went to therapy again today, and Jackson did great!  He did not cry even once!  It was so nice to sit there and watch him do his exercises and not get upset.  I always felt so guilty about his crying, but he loves Mrs. Kelly again! Now that we have mastered rolling, we working on going from a sitting position to a crawling position and then a crawling position to a sitting position.  The good thing is that Jackson is actually interested in moving now.

His front two teeth have finally broken though, and that makes everyone happy! Jackson also went to his first baseball game on Sunday.  We went to watch Briggs scrimmage.  Jackson also got to swing for the first time and loved it.  We left the park and went straight to buy a swing.  Tim has a new project for the weekend!

Tim also put together Jackson's car.  We bought it after Christmas when Little Tikes was having a huge sale.  Jackson loves it.  We drive it around and around the house.  My mom also learned that he likes to sit in it parked at the front door!  I think it is so funny that he knows how to turn the steering wheel and beep the horn.  It is too cute!

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