Tim and I are so blessed to have such a precious and sweet little boy. We are so thankful that he is happy and healthy. I can't even remember what our lives were like before Jackson Raymond.
- wears mostly 12 month and 18 month clothes (depends on the brand)
- (We will find out weight and height next week at his 12 month appointment)
- wears size 4 diapers
- wears size 3-4 shoes (hates to wear shoes)
- loves to play with his toys especially his ball, puzzles, cookie jar, phone, and trains
- still loves to read especially Llama Llama and Peek-a-Boo books
- plays Patty Cake and now tries to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider
- says Ma Ma, Da Da, and bye bye
- also says something for paci and tries Noni
- loves our cat Abby and mom's dog Rudy
- loves to play with Charlotte, Murphy, and Maria
- loves his cousin Berkley
- has started some whole milk, and we are working on cutting out the bottle
- drinks from a sippy cup, but we have to tip it up for him
- loves to play Peek-A-Boo
- still loves his blanket and paci
- Loves his monkey Wubanub (We bought this when he was a newborn, and he did not like it. We were cleaning his room last week and found it. Now he loves it!)
- still loves to swing
- Noni is his number 1, and Daddy is his number 2. I am in third, but he does get excited when I get home!
- still has separation anxiety!
- crawls more now on his own
- can pull up on the bannister and some short furniture.
- cruises around all furniture!
- loves to eat and doesn't usually turn down food! He usually has a bottle early morning right when he wakes up, breakfast of pancakes, cereal, and a biscuit, for lunch a meat and veggie, and for dinner fruit and what we have.
- loves to eat biscuits! This boy is like his momma and daddy-he loves bread!
- still has 8 teeth but might be teething (He is drooling A LOT!)
- usually sleeps 10-12 hours a night, takes a short morning nap, and a late afternoon nap
- still goes to therapy once a week
- just finished swimming lessons and loved them!
I can't believe this is my last time taking pictures with his month stickers!
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