I can't believe it has been a week since my last post. I think I have been avoiding it because then I am forced to look at the date and realize my summer is coming to an end. I am already so depressed about it! I have loved being home with Jackson! Even though I have gotten nothing done and he is exhausting, I have loved hanging out with Little Man all day.
Last weekend Jackson spent the night with Noni and Papa J so Tim and I could have our yard sale. We sold a lot and got rid of some clutter. We went to Bible School some nights this week and Jackson played (or bit or hit) his friends.
My car was keyed a few months ago, so I finally took it to be fixed. Thankfully my uncle owns a collision shop, so it helps to know someone trustworthy. That meant that Jackson and I were without a car for most of the week. (Yes, we could have gotten a rental, but we would have had to pay a percentage and it is not worth moving the car seat.) Jackson and I stayed at home. It wasn't that bad. It was too hot to go outside though, so that made the day seem long. We tried to go for a walk around 8:00 one morning, but we were both sweating in 5 minutes.
My mom came on Wednesday and took us to Story Time at the library. Jackson was pretty good, and we actually made it through the whole craft with just a little crayon eating and crayon throwing. Then we ran some errands and ended up eating lunch at Mama Penn's. I think Jackson could eat there everyday. He loves it!
Jackson had to have his eyes rechecked in Greenville today, so my drove us again. He loved looking at the big fish tank in the office. Everything went well at the appointment, and we go back in six months.
We went to see Baby Will and spent some time with them. Jackson is so unsure of what to think about babies. However he does not like seeing Will get a bottle or with a paci (the same kind as his). Then we got to pick up the van.
We have enjoyed our week at home. Well, I have enjoyed it. Jackson has said, "Bye" a million times and pointed to the door. He wanted to get out of the house!
I almost forgot. We were playing today, and Jackson said, "eyes."
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