I have not blogged lately because I have been spending as much time with the boys as possible. Brooks is currently curled up on the couch with me. I am trying to soak up every last minute of summer. Right now time is just passing too quickly. I officially start back to work a week from today. I am dreading it. When Jackson was a baby, I cried for weeks leading up to school starting. Last summer wasn't as hard, but I have really become aware of all that I am missing while I am at work. I have even had extra time off this year, but I am not ready to go back.
I feel like we finally have a good routine, and I love being with the boys. Jackson is at a really fun age. He talks all of the time and says the funniest and sweetest things. He is currently obsesses with Cars. He has to take his toy cars to bed with him. He puts them on the dresser also known as "the parking lot." When he woke up this morning, I went in to get him. He was in the sweetest mood. He said, "Good morning cars ( caaarrrs). Did you sleep good?" That is what I usually say to him when he wakes up. While Brooks was napping in his swing, Jackson and I went outside to swing and play on the porch ( I can see Brooks in his swing from the porch.) we played in the water table. Jackson said, " Mommy, let's go fishing!" He used a bubble wand to pretend to fish. " I caught a shark ( shaaarrk). It's a stingray! Mommy, you do it." When I did it, he told me I just caught a fish. Ha! When we were lying down for a nap, he said, "Sweet dreams, Mommy." It just melted my heart. It is just the little things like that I will miss every day. Jackson is saying some other cute things. "I'll see you later ( latte err)." "Mommy (replace with any other word-Daddy, Blankie, Mater, etc.), where are you ( youuuuuuu)." He draws out the last word in both of them. I also love when says, " Mommy, hold you?" when he wants me to hold him. " Mommy, take." He wants me to take him wherever I am going, usually downstairs. These are some other favorite phrases: " I sorry. Jackson did it. I know it. I funny. That's fun. Play cars? Hot dog! Yummy tummy!"
Brooks is such a sweet and cuddly baby. He is starting to stay awake more. He likes to play with some toys. He loves this purple elephant. I just love to sit and hold him. I can't believe how big he is getting.
We went to Clemson tonight to walk around campus. Jackson rode in the stroller for awhile and then wanted out to run. He ran and ran. " Mommy, run!" I had fun chasing him. We were both sweating by the time we reached the car. We ended the night with Dairy Queen. I couldn't resist climbing into the back with the boys when Jackson asked me.
They grow up so fast, and I just feel like I am missing out on precious little moments. I don't get to take Jackson to school or pick him up. I don't get to fix him lunch or try to get him to take a nap. I don't get to cuddle with Brooks and see his precious smile and sweet laugh. My mind knows that I have to work, but I just can't convince my heart that it is the right thing. I want the boys to have lots of opportunities and have zoo memberships and museum memberships. I want to be able to travel with them in the future ( as in not any time soon). I know I have to work to make that possible. I just hate what I have to give up. The next few weeks are going to be really hard and stressful. I am sure there will be tears, late nights, and early mornings. This has been the best summer of my life, and I hate to see it end.
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