January 2
Both Brooks and I went to the doctor today. He now has an ear infection, and I have a sinus infection. $200 later and a reminder that our deductible has increased by a hundred dollars, we hope to be feeling better by the end of the weekend. Of course, that is just in time to go back to work. I am very thankful that we don't have anything worse. The flu is terrible here right now, so we plan to stay away from crowded places for awhile including the museum. We all had flu shots, but that doesn't seem to matter this year.
Tim and Jackson are not feeling the greatest either. I am hoping they don't get any worse.
It is supposed to rain all weekend. It has rained so much these past two weeks. I am ready for sun and 70 degrees!
January 3
We are definitely tired of the rain! We made a quick trip to Costco, but otherwise we have been stuck in the house!
I did actually update all of the posts with pictures. I know it is about time. That should probably be my goal for this year!
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