- Wears 18-24 months clothes. He is so much smaller than Jackson at this age, so he will have a smaller wardrobe this summer!
- Weighs around 25 pounds
- Has been sick this month with RSV, double ear infection, and the stomach bug.
- Loves Toy Story, Cars, Mickey Mouse, Tayo, Curious George, Daniel Tiger
- He is very animated when he watches a movie. He laughs out loud and yells at the screen. It is very entertaining!
- Talks all the time! He new favorite words/phrases are "Mine, No, Help, What, Nana (banana), Where it go?, Bop (stop), There's Mommy, There's Daddy, I love you, car, train, truck, cookie, cacker (cracker), Ru Ru (dog), He Haw!, Tay (okay)"
- Throw major fits complete with screaming and getting on the floor
- Shakes his head no
- Still a night owl!
- Loves trains, cars, and trucks
- Loves to play outside and look for buses and trash trucks
- Loves to tell people "Shhhh" and puts his finger on his mouth
- Loves to read books especially Llama Llama, Little Blue Truck, That's Not My..., Where is Baby's?
- He has no fear. He loves to climb on everything- the couch, the chairs, blocks, tables-everything. He loves to slide and run!
- He loves his two blankies and still loves to cuddle.
- Has gotten to be a very pick eater- will eat yogurt and applesauce. He will sometimes eat bananas, pancakes, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, grapes, and strawberries. He will always eat cookies, crackers, and cake though.
- This child loves to play games on the iPad! He also likes to take lots (like hundreds) of pictures when it is locked!
- He is big into naming body parts- hair, eyes (he likes to poke them), mouth, ears, tongue, teeth.
- He also likes to make animal sounds. I love when he does the cow, cat, and sheep. He calls giraffes- affes. It is so cute.
- He loves music-current favorites include Taylor Swift and Maroon 5 (Sugar).
- He hasn't been able to go to church nursery a lot since he has been sick, but he still likes it.
- He is still a tornado when it comes to toys and the playroom.
- Eating out with him is difficult. He no longer wants to sit in the high chair, so that makes it interesting.
- He puts up the biggest fight getting into the carseat! It is crazy. He refuses to sit and screams!
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