January is probably my least favorite month. It is too cold to go outside. It is too wet to go outside. School is really busy, and I always have a ton of work to do. It gets dark at 5:30. Have I mentioned that it is too cold to go outside? The month seems to last forever!
My goal was to leave school by 3:30 every day. That lasted 1 day before it was 6:00 before I was leaving again. I love getting to school when it's dark and leaving when it's dark! Again another reason to dislike January!
The boys quickly adjusted back to our usual schedule. I am so grateful that they both love school and church. Jackson has been working hard on writing his name. Brooks has just started potty training. He is still in diapers but usually goes when he sits on the potty.
We found out that Baby #3 is another boy. He still has no name because we are out of boy names. ( Names are really limited when you are a teacher.) Of course, maybe we will use Jackson's suggestions- KiKi or Thumper. I have been a little disappointed because I don't get to decorate the nursery or buy clothes. I just can't justify spending money on new stuff when we already have everything. Sorry, new baby! ( Brooks didn't get any new stuff either!) We are very blessed that New Baby is healthy, but I am definitely sad that I will miss out on dance recitals, big hair bows, and baby dolls.
I am both sad and relieved that this is our last baby. I love baby snuggles, but a baby is exhausting. I am a little worried about how I am going to function with so little sleep. I didn't have the thyroid issue when the other 2 were newborns. This baby is going to have to be easygoing because our summer is already packed with activities!
On a high note, we did get to watch Clemson play for the National Championship! We really wanted go, or I guess I should say that I really wanted to go. Again, it is hard to justify spending money on that (about $3000 total). It turned out to be a great game, and the Tigers kept fighting until the end! Even though we lost, I hope that it showed the media that Clemson is capable of playing with the top teams. Staying up until 1:00 am ruined the rest of my week though. I have been exhausted! Thousands of people were in Clemson to welcome home the team. We rode up there but watched from the car-too cold to stand outside. Plus one was asleep!
I am thankful for a day off tomorrow even though we will be stuck inside- the high is supposed to be 43 tomorrow. We have been cleaning out all of the closets in the house. My goal is to clean out Jackson's tomorrow and maybe clean out the attic (probably too cold though).
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