I really believe God had it all planned out for today. I was really apprehensive about this delivery because I guess I knew exactly what to expect. Plus my mom was keeping the boys so she wasn't able to be in the delivery room. God made sure Patricia was my nurse, and she immediately put me at ease.
Dr. Hearn came in around 8:30 to check. I was between 3-4cm, so he decided to break my water. Patricia was right there to hold my hand. It was not as bad as I remember it with Jackson.
The contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I passed the time playing on my phone. Dr. Austin came for the epidural around 9:00. He was hilarious and made the process easy. Tim got to stay this time and made friends with Dr. Austin. He wanted Tim to keep him company all day. He was done by 9:30, and the relief came pretty fast. I got checked again and was at 7cm. Sometimes they say that epidural so can slow down labor, but that was not the case. I was having pretty strong contractions because I could still feel the dull ache. I did not feel the pressure like I did with Brooks.
Dr. Hearn came in at 10:00 and checked him, and I was plus 10 cm. He and Patricia hurriedly got everything set up. Tim helped him out by mo I got the table and helping with the bed. They kept
having to buzz everyone to hurry and get to my room. I started pushing at 10:14. After the first push, the head was out, and then his body followed with the second push. James Walker was born at 10:15 am. We were all shocked at how fast he arrived. Tim hadn't even gotten the camera ready. He got to cut the cord, and I touched his foot.
Tim walked over to the other side of the room with the nursery nurse. James Walker weighed 7lbs, 8 oz. While the nurse checked him, I got stitches. Super quick delivery equals 2nd degree tear. I love that Dr. Hearn hangs around and takes pictures for you. He is the best doctor ever. We had an hour of skin-to-skin contact. Dr. Hearn and Patricia took turns checking on us. Then the nursery nurse came back to finish checking James Walker. He was 19 3/4 inches long and healthy.
By 12:00, we were moving to our new room. I hated saying good-bye to Patricia. Walker finally got a bottle and inhaled it and then spit it back up. I got to my room just in time for lunch. Tim and I watched most of our videos and had time with James Walker. The epidural kept me pretty numb for the day.
Noni brought the boys up around 4:45 or so. They were really excited! Brooks was very concerned that I was still in my hospital gown. He kept asking, "Where's you shirt?" " Where's you pants?" "It's okay, Mommy."
Jackson wore his uniform because he was supposed to have a game until it got called because of the thunderstorm. Plus he really wanted Janes Walker to see his uniform. Both boys held the baby for a few seconds. Jackson seemed terrified. Brooks flipped because the baby touched his foot . The boys had fun playing with the presents from the baby.
They had a picnic on blanket and were here when Dr. Hart came in, Brooks was wild! Papa Jerry came by for a little too. Dr. Bailey also came by and prayed over James Walker. It is one of the many things I love about our pastor and church.
Everyone left so Tim and I took turns napping. I let Tim sleep first. After being up for 20 hours, I finally dozed for a few. Then it was Tim's turn again. James Walker had a great first night. He only cried when he got changed.
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