Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Boys

The boys have grown up so much in the past few months. Brooks was really attached to me before I went to Charleston. Since he didn't see me for about a week though, he decided to be a big boy and fall asleep in his room. He doesn't like to cuddle at nap time very much. He talks all of the time! His new thing to say is, " Hey Mommy! I got an idea!" Then you never know what he is going to say. Brooks loves to watch the Disney Halloween parade, and he knows all of the words. In fact he lines up all of his cars and pretends they are in the parade. It is so cute!

Jackson still loves school. He does not like doing any school work at home though. He is still working on writing his name. He knows his letters and numbers and a lot of sounds. I registered him for kindergarten at my school. I am excited for him to be there with me, but it also breaks my heart! He loves to watch You Tube videos on toys like Cars and PlayMobile. He is quite a good helper and works hard to clean up and please. He is playing t-ball and had 2 practices. He knows some of the boys from school, church, and soccer. I think he likes it so far.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of James Walker. We have about 7 weeks left, and I can't wait to him. Plus I am over being pregnant. People ask all of the time if we are going to have #4, and the answer is absolutely not. Besides having not have enough room or money for another one, I never want to be pregnant again. I have not slept a full night since January, I get heartburn from eating a saltine cracker, and every part of my body aches! I am still fighting off this cough, but I can't take anything stronger until JW is here. Because of the cough, my throat hurts, my ribs hurt, and I have no voice by the end of the day.  I am just over it. I love the little kicks and the anticipation, but I am more than ready for James Walker to be here!

Easter Weekend

I'm We have had a wonderful Easter weekend! We are so excited about Spring Break! Well, I am. The boys are upset they can't go to school.

We started out with the egg hunt and lunch at church. The boys had more fun playing in the gym than making crafts. Brooks was really excited to play with his friends! The egg hunt was fun even if it was a bit chilly. The Easter Bunny came, but Jackson wanted nothing to do with him! Brooks hopped right in his lap. Rolling down the hill was lots of fun too! It started raining during the picnic, but the boys thought it was fun! They were really excited that we had to stay and clean up because they got to play in the gym with their friends.

We made an Easter cake this afternoon. Jackson has been so excited about this. He had it planned out and wanted to make a pattern with the Peeps.  Well, Brooks just plopped one down and messed that up. Then it became a contest to see how many Peeps could get on the cake. It did turn out cute, and Jackson was so proud!

Noni and Papa Jerry came over to dye eggs. We dyed some with shaving cream and food coloring. Even though it was messy, the eggs turned out neat. We dyed more with regular due. Jackson took it very seriously and wanted his eggs to look perfect. Brooks loved dropping them in the cups and trying to make a big mess. They were both so excited!

This morning was fun when they got their baskets. They were excited about their Legos and candy. Brooks loves Dum Dum lollipops. Jackson was loving more Peeps and M&M's. Brooks said, " I do love chocolate bunnies."

After church, we got some pictures and then went to Noni's. Jackson was so excited that "that bunny" stopped by her house too.

We then ate lunch at GiGi's and had an egg hunt. The boys had a great time playing with Will.

We had a blessed weekend spending time with family and friends!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Easter Parties

We all had school today thanks to a snow make-up day. The boys both had their Easter parties and egg hunts today. I was helping to give Brooksie's party. Unfortunately I had to miss both. Of course Jackson would not let me forget it either. I love being told I am the only mom not there.

A friend did send me some pics of Brooks.

 I am very thankful that the boys had such a great time!