Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jackson's End of Year Party

Jackson enjoyed his party, and I got to run over for a few minutes. I am thankful that my team watched my students for me. He wasso excited to get his teacher a gift. He picked out some of her favorite things-Oreos, paper, and a fake flower to go with a bag. He has had the best year.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Very Behind

I am very behind, and I really don't see myself catching up until is school is over, and we are in our summer schedule. I feel like the entire month of May has passed in a blur.  The only way I remember what we have done is to flip through the pictures on my phone.

This past week has been crazy busy, and I am exhausted! School work is never ending, Jackson has swimming lessons, and I was helping to host a retirement party. We have used this weekend to rest and run errands. I am still exhausted, and I feel really guilty.  Jackson must have said, "Play with me Mommy." a million times, but I just can't.  Brooks has told me a million times to "hurry up", and I just can't. Tim even put both boys to bed Wednesday night, just so I could have a few hours by myself.  I caught up on all of the season finales that I missed. I am so ready for our summer schedule and for life to slow down. I will not miss leaving the house at 7 and not getting home until after 7. I am also excited about reading a real book.

We have squeezed in some fun this weekend.  Tim took the boys to the Scottish Parade in Greenville Friday night while I went to the retirement party. The boys had fun and enjoyed pizza afterwards.  I had fun with all of school friends.  I am really going to miss Melody next year. We tried to go tot he Botanical Gardens on Saturday for a hike, but Jackson fell asleep in the car and woke up in a terrible mood.  A milkshake cured it though, and we ate dinner on the porch for the first time this year and played lots of tag.  The weather is perfect this weekend-low 80s.

I have 11 more school days and then a week of classes.  I think I can...I think I can... I think I can!
 We did enjoy the Tuesday night Farmer's Market with homemade Popsicle and a walk downtown.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekend Fun

We had fun this weekend! Tim and I went on a date to Greenville Friday night and ate at Smoke on the Water. Then we walked up for ice cream at Marble Slab.  We were lazy Saturday morning, but then we headed to Greenville to say goodbye to Kiko who is moving to Toronto.  We will miss him.  We also stopped by Costco, and then we went to the Greek Festival.  Jackson loved the pizza, and Brooks loved the lemonade.  We also walked to the children's garden and enjoyed ice cream at Spill the Beans.  The boys loved running along the river.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

Tim and I went to dinner at Earle Street on Friday night.  I did my cycle and barre classes on Saturday morning.  Then we headed to Artisphere is Greenville.  We didn't make it through much, but Jackson enjoyed the crafts and seeing the Tiger.  They loved playing in the fountains and going to the toy store.

After church on Sunday, we went to Noni's and then to Greenville.  Luvi had borrowed a roller coaster, and the boys had so much fun! Brooks loved playing with "Wull." It was great to spend the day with family!  The boys spoiled me with their gifts. Jackson was so excited to give me his teapot he made in school with the flower corsage.  I love the frames, book, and necklace too!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Brooks!

I took the day off to be with Brooks on his birthday. The boys slept late and then enjoyed cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Brooks loves them!

Then we dropped Jackson off with Noni ( He chose not to go.), and we headed to the zoo. Brooks was upset Jackson was not with us and kept looking towards his car seat. He is not used to doing things without his big brother. We had fun running at the zoo and then playing on the playground. We met Tim for lunch at The Pickwick. Brooks loved his chips, grilled cheese, and chocolate milkshake! Then I took Brooks to a toy store. He loved it and did not want to leave. We had a huge struggle getting back into the car seat.

Brooks fell asleep on the way home, and then we cuddled on the couch. I loved it! After he woke up, we went to the new Wal-Mart and then to Noni's. He was excited to get to play with all the kids.

Jackson had swimming lessons, and TuTu went with us. He did great and even jumped in without his belt! Then it was back to Noni's for Brooksie's party. We had pizza and then cake. He was a little unsure what to do with the candle and got upset when we took it out.

He had lots of helpers opening presents! He was excited to open everything. Jackson fell asleep in the car, so Brooks got to play with his new toys by himself!

Brooks was cute all day. He kept saying, "Happy Birthday" and " Me two!" We had such a great day!

Brooks is 2!

I am amazed at how fast the time has gone. I can't believe Brooks is 2- he was an itty bitty baby yesterday! He has the sweetest personality, and he is usually a happy toddler. He loves to smile and laugh!

  • Wears 18-24 m and some 2t
  • Wears size 4 or 5 shoes
  • Loves to eat crackers, cookies, pizza crust, and grilled cheese crust, pancakes, donuts, and of course applesauce and pastina
  • Will eat watermelon, bananas; hates all vegetables
  • Loves to jump on the bed and couch even though he is not supposed to. He even says "Look at me!" before doing it!
  • Sleeps with his two blankets (lakey) and Kiko the giraffe
  • Has to be held down to go to sleep. He can be very grumpy if you wake him up before he is ready. 
  • Has no fear and will try anything ( except new foods)
  • Loves to swing, slide, ride in his car, and jump on the bed and couch (before being caught)
  • Loves cars, trucks, busses, trains, airplanes, helicopters
  • Loves to play on the iPad
  • Loves to watch movies- Toy Story and Cars. He has memorized a lot of the words, so he gets very animated! I love when he cheers during the racing scenes.
  • Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and  Tayo ( He sings the theme song too.)
  • Loves to read Llama Llama, That's Not My..., and The Little Blue Truck. He has memorized some books too. He gets excited to "read" too.
  • Favorite sayings: Where are you? I love you! Mine. No. 
  • Loves water and playing in the bath
  • Talks all of the time, and we can understand most of it. He talks in short sentences now " Bop Mommy" which is "Stop Mommy." Loves to say. No. He calls his blankets and Jackson. 
  • He still likes to ask where people are and the says "at home."
  • He knows animal sounds and body parts.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Big Week for Jackson

Jackson started swimming lessons on Monday. He was very nervous and teary to begin with, but then he seemed to have fun. We left Brooks at home since he won't understand why he can't get in the water too.

Jackson had his open house at school tonight. He fell asleep in the car so he was not in the best of moods. It is always fun to see his artwork. He made the cutest book about all of his favorite things. He has loved his teacher this year. She has been really good for him and his confidence. It was difficult to get some pictures. Brooks loved running around.

 Tim had to administer exams so he didn't get to come. Noni and Papa J came though, and we treated them to Schlotzsky's afterwards.