Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last Swimming Lesson

Tonight was Jackson's last night of swimming, and was actually a make-up from last week. Tim and I both got in and had fun splashing with Jackson. He loves the water!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Jackson and I enjoyed a lazy morning while Tim worked outside. It definitely made me long for summer! Little Man was really clingy today, so I took advantage of the snuggle time. We ran a couple of errands and then cooked out with my parents and Brent and Whitney. Jackson sat at the table eating for an hour-green beans, peaches, a biscuit, crackers, etc. This weekend Jackson has exploded with his talking. He clearly says Ma Ma and Da Da. He says hey and calls paci something. He is also pulling up a lot. I can't believe how fast he is growing!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it has been a week since I last wrote on here! We have been crazy busy. I finally broke down and bought a new camera (which I love), but I have not loaded the software so I don't have any pictures to post yet. My goal is to get that done this weekend.

We went swinging on Monday night. Jackson loves to swing!  I loves these pictures of him!

 We only had swimming once this week because of bad thunderstorms one night. We put Jackson in his bathing suit that night and headed to the Y to see if class was cancelled. Jackson didn't understand why he was in his bathing suit but not going swimming. When we went back on Thursday, he pitched a fit as soon as we walked onto the pool deck. He wanted to getting that pool! He was happy once he finally got in. He got a certificate at the end of class.

We took off the tape on Tuesday and went back to therapy on Wednesday. He did great crawling, and now we will work on pulling up to a standing position and then walking. Of course, he screamed when they retaped him. When we got home, he took a long nap in my arms. I cherish those naps because I know that too soon he won't want me to hold him and cuddle with him. Even though my house is a mess, I am not going to miss out on my cuddle time.

After a long week at school, we headed to Greenville Saturday morning. We went to the Farmer's Marjket first and then enjoyed breakfast at Mary Beth's. We also went to BuyBuy Baby, which is Jackson's favorite store. Jackson stayed with my mom and dad for a few hours today so Tim and I could start getting ready for Jackson's party.i can't believe he will be 1 in a week!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Living for the Weekend

We sure do love weekends around here! After a busy week, we need the break. Jackson had swimming lessons, we had the dance recital, and Relay for Life. Jackson liked all of the people watching at Relay. I was looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday, but someone was tapping me on the back at 6:30. We both took a nap later. We headed to the Greek Festival in Greenville Saturday night. Jackson loved it. He clapped to the music. Then we enjoyed a walk downtown.

Here are some pictures from the past week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Swimming and Therapy

I decided to swim with Jackson and Tim on Tuesday.  Jackson is a wild man in the pool.  I got in with him first, and he splashed and splashed. That is his favorite part of class. He doesn't really blow bubbles, and he did not like when I dunked him.  He does like to stick his face in the water though.  He has gotten better about floating on his back.  He loved jumping in the pool at the end of class.  I am so sore though!  I need to do that workout every night!

Jackson did great crawling at therapy today.  He did it without crying too!  We are trying something new to help with his head tilt. He has tape on his neck.  It really looks like a bandage, but it provides resistance and cues him to hold his up straight.  He is supposed to wear it a week, and then we take it off 24 hours before therapy where he gets taped again.

I forgot to mention that Jackson can get into a sitting position by himself now. He also is pointing at lights and birds.  He is too cute!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

The little man is finally feeling better. Those antibiotics make him crazy! We have enjoyed a lazy weekend. After a stressful week of testing, it was much needed. We slept in on Saturday and went to watch Briggs play baseball. Then we went to dinner at Mellow Mushroom and went grocery shopping.

On Sunday, we woke up and got ready for church. I got to open my Mother's Day presents. Jackson and Tim did good. I got a monogrammed beach hat, a new book to read to Jackson, and a beautiful frame that says "Dear Mommy, I love you to the moon and back! Love, Jackson." I can't wait to hang it up in the house! Jackson and I went to Dunkin Donuts and got breakfast.At church, Jackson decided he wanted to give his friend Brownley a kiss. It was so cute.

After church, we gave Noni her presents. She loved them especially the book. Then we went to lunch at Cookie's. It was wonderful to spend time with everyone. Jackson did good today better than at the shower. He enjoyed talking to everyone. It started raining, and he tried to get anyone and everyone to take him outside. He is such a water baby! He just laughed and smiled out in the rain. Jackson loved eating his roll and macaroni and cheese.

 Tu Tu got a new puppy. It is so cute. Jackson did not know what to think about her.

 The next time we all get together will be for Jackson's birthday party. Jackson has learned some new tricks. He says "Da Da" and "Hey!" He has said hey before but now he says it a lot. He can also blow kisses. I was walking down the stairs and blew him a kiss, and he blew one back. That was actually my best Mother's Day gift. I am so blessed to have Jackson as my son. I cannot imagine my life without him and his sweet personality.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finally Feeling Better

After two weeks of being sick, two trips to the doctor's office, and 1 antibiotic, Jackson is finally feeling better.  It is so nice to have my sweet little boy back! We went back to swimming last night and back to therapy this afternoon.

 Jackson loves his swimming lessons.  Basically they are just splashing around in the pool, but he loves it.  He did great at therapy today.  He showed Mrs. Kelly how he can crawl and didn't fuss too much.  Since Jackson does not tolerate the Tot Collar, we are going to try this new tape.  Hopefully, that will help with the head tilt.  I was at this program at school the other day, and I noticed how many kids tilt their heads.  I don't want Jackson to do that!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Jackson's First Trip to the Fair

Anderson County used to have this big fair every fall.  They stopped for a couple of years, and the Fair is back!  This is usually a place where you get to see all kinds of people.  This morning they had free admission and free rides for an hour.  After a pancake breakfast at Mama Penn's, we took Jackson along with Noni and Papa J.  (I just wanted cotton candy!)  It was really hot, but we still rode the Carousel with Jackson.  He loved it!  I was worried he would be scared, but he loved it!  He also liked going to the petting zoo and seeing the giraffe!