Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Days

We have had a fun couple of days.  Jackson enjoyed plaing on the Slip-n-Slide with the Ivey kids. Of course, he liked sitting in the bottom pool and getting wet.

We celebrated Whitney getting her masters, and Jackson got to swim again. He loved getting sprayed by the water from the slide.

Jackson slept in his crib on Sunday night. He had a bath, we read some stories, he drank his bottle, and fell asleep rocking. Of course, as soon as I put him down, he woke up. He only fussed a little bit, but he sat up playing with his music toy. He literally fell asleep sitting up. I wish I had taken a picture of the monitor.  It took him about an hour. He was very restless and woke up crying about 3. I went down and rocked him until he fell back to sleep. Then I sat in the chair until he went back to sleep.  He woke up again at 6:45, so I got him and we fell back to sleep on the couch until 9.

We ran some errands today to buy school stuff. He took a ten minute nap in the car.  He did not nap the rest of the day. He was so tired but he would not stop moving. I think he thought I would put him in the crib.

Again tonight, we took a bath, read some books, drank some milk, and I put him in the crib.  He cried until I left the room. He played with some blocks, read a book, and finally layed down, and went to sleep. It took him about 40 minutes to fall asleep. I think he was so quiet because he was so tired.

We got some other big news today.  Jackson had been on the waiting list for a Mother's Morning Out program at a local church, and they called today with a spot.  He will go every Thursday from 9-12. I think it will be good for him.

This has been kind of a hard week. We put more baby stuff in the attic, Jackson is sleeping in the crib, and now he will be starting school. He also took his last bath in the duck, and now sits in the big bathtub! It is kind of depressing.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Heat

I can't believe it has been a week since my last post. I think I have been avoiding it because then I am forced to look at the date and realize my summer is coming to an end. I am already so depressed about it! I have loved being home with Jackson! Even though I have gotten nothing done and he is exhausting, I have loved hanging out with Little Man all day.

Last weekend Jackson spent the night with Noni and Papa J so Tim and I could have our yard sale. We sold a lot and got rid of some clutter. We went to Bible School some nights this week and Jackson played (or bit or hit) his friends.

My car was keyed a few months ago, so I finally took it to be fixed. Thankfully my uncle owns a collision shop, so it helps to know someone trustworthy. That meant that Jackson and I were without a car for most of the week. (Yes, we could have gotten a rental, but we would have had to pay a percentage and it is not worth moving the car seat.) Jackson and I stayed at home. It wasn't that bad. It was too hot to go outside though, so that made the day seem long. We tried to go for a walk around 8:00 one morning, but we were both sweating in 5 minutes.

My mom came on Wednesday and took us to Story Time at the library. Jackson was pretty good, and we actually made it through the whole craft with just a little crayon eating and crayon throwing. Then we ran some errands and ended up eating lunch at Mama Penn's. I think Jackson could eat there everyday. He loves it!

Jackson had to have his eyes rechecked in Greenville today, so my drove us again. He loved looking at the big fish tank in the office. Everything went well at the appointment, and we go back in six months.

We went to see Baby Will and spent some time with them. Jackson is so unsure of what to think about babies. However he does not like seeing Will get a bottle or with a paci (the same kind as his). Then we got to pick up the van.

We have enjoyed our week at home. Well, I have enjoyed it. Jackson has said, "Bye" a million times and pointed to the door. He wanted to get out of the house!

I almost forgot. We were playing today, and Jackson said, "eyes."

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Brent and Whitney took the Ivey kids swimming at Whitney's parents' house, and they invited Jackson to come too.  He loves swimming in the big pool!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Jackson and I had a busy Wednesday.  We started out our day with story time at the library.  Jackson just wanted to sit in my lap this time.  We actually tried the craft, but he just wanted to eat the crayons so we did not stay too long.

I wanted Jackson to take a nap before therapy, but he refused. So we went to water day at therapy, and Jackson loved the car wash that they built (a Pinterest idea). He tried to drink the water and loved getting soaked!  The really great part is that he is doing so well we don't have to go back for a month!  His head tilt is much better anywhere from 0-2 degrees!  We are excited!!!!!

Jackson did fall asleep on the way home and slept in the crib for about 20 minutes. Then we went  to the library so Jackson could get his medal for participating in the summer reading program. Then we went to the petting zoo. It was hot, and it was crazy!  We had to go by Sonic to get Slushes it was so hot!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We are exhausted...

After a busy weekend, we are exhausted! We hung around the house on Friday, and got some things organized.  On Saturday, we headed to the Greenville Zoo for Hot Dog Day with Noni.  Jackson slept until 9:30, so we got a late start. It was not too busy, and not too hot.  Jackson loved the giraffes.  I think this was the first time that he actually noticed them and paid any attention to any of the animals.  They got pretty close to us and kept moving around. Since we have that pass, I think he and I are going to try to go a few more times this summer.  We then went to Buy Buy Baby which is always an adventure.  We all decided we were hungry, so we ate at Bucky's Barbeque.  Jackson loved the green beans and macaroni and cheese.

He fell asleep right before we got to my mom's house, so we expected him to take a long nap. We got home and had to change his diaper.  He slept right through it.  I was going to snuggle with him on the couch, but he woke up.  I figured he would fall right back to sleep.  I was wrong.  He giggled for about 20 minutes and then was ready to play.  He was WILD!

He fell asleep early, but woke up screaming about 1:00.  He has been doing this for the past couple of nights, and we don't know why.  I think he is still getting some teeth because of all of the drool.  It makes for long nights!  Then nobody gets any sleep, and we are all cranky.

After church on Sunday, we went to Greenville to visit family.  Susan and Uncle Dave were stopping on their way to Alabama, so we got to see them and Baby Will. Even though it was a short visit, it was nice to see everyone.  Jackson did not pay any attention to Will but did get upset when Tim held him. He also got to see Berkley and Nichole and head butt and bite them. I think he just gets so excited to see them that he goes crazy, or maybe he is just spoiled rotten!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Anniversary and a Busy Wednesday

Today, Tim and I have been married for 3 years! So much has changed in the last three years! Tim was very sweet and ordered these cookies from Hawaii that we loved eating on our honeymoon. We just spent a nice evening at home with Jackson.

Jackson and I went to story time at the library this morning.  He was definitely more at ease this time.  He wanted to be crawling around on the floor with the other kids.  We decided to skip the craft again since it was close to nap time.  Jackson did fall asleep in the car and even slept in his crib for awhile.

Jackson had a great day at therapy!  He did not cry and played with Mrs. Kelly and even sat in her lap.  He has not done that in a long time.  He even earned a water day next week! He was keeping his head pretty much in the middle, so the plan is to continue through July and then cut back to every other week until he is good and walking.  Progress is being made! He didn't even get taped this week!  It was like having a different child there. I am so happy that we had a good session.  It is so hard to watch him upset there.  I am so grateful that Kelly has been so wonderful. 

He was even in a good mood when he left, and we were able to go to Target and run some other errands including picking up a train table.  Someone at school was selling her son's train table for a great price, so even though Jackson is too young to play with it, we went ahead and bought it.  Tim had a good time putting the tracks together, and then Jackson messed them all up.  It was too cute!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Litchfield Beach 2012

We just got home from a wonderful week at Litchfield Beach!  It was a much needed vacation.  It took us forever to pack everything and try to get it in the van.  My mom rode with us, so she was able to entertain Jackson in the back. We made good time, enjoyed breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and then went to some shops in Mt. Pleasant.

Of course, we had to be going during the hottest week of the summer.  It was over 100 most of the week not including the heat index! Jackson loved the beach.  His favorite part was splashing in his little pool.  Luckily the house was near the handicapped ramp, so we could roll Jackson in the wagon to the beach.  He got to play with Brynlee and see Aunt Susie and Justin.

He started out the week kind of fussy, and we thought it was just a change in scenery, routine, and all of the people.  Later we saw that he had two molars coming through.  Tylenol definitely changed his attitude.

He enjoyed the 4th of July parade, fly over, and fireworks.  He jumped when the fireworks went off, but he didn't cry. We also went to Broadway at the Beach so he could ride the carousel from the Pavilion! It was crazy there. We spent most of our time on the beach though, and we loved every minute.

Jackson does have some new tricks-head butting and biting.

The rest of the post is going to be mostly pictures.