Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Where Did Spring Break Go?

I am so depressed! Spring Break is basically over! Where did it go? I am excited to say that we were actually productive... new roof on screen porch (not an option), washed baby clothes and put away, moved Jackson's clothes, lined Jackson's new dresser, adjusted crib, got room ready for Brooks, filed papers, got started on all of my classwork (not as productive as I needed to be), played outside, went to downtown Greenville, enjoyed some family time, etc.

We have been kind of lazy this weekend. All of that walking on Friday wore me out! Some days I feel like I have tons of energy. Then there are days where taking a shower is exhausting, and I have to sit down and rest before drying my hair. Saturday was that kind of day. We did run some errands and enjoyed the beautiful weather! I think Spring has finally come to SC! I am so glad. I am over the wind and cold!

Today after church, Jackson and I played. Then we went to the Pendleton Jubilee. We left with cotton candy, kettlecorn, lemonade, and a wooden car. My child will no longer eat cotton candy! What is up with that? When we got home, Tim put together his table, and Jackson helped!

Jackson enjoyed pizza at my parents, and then it was back to our school night routine! YUCK! I think going back to school after Spring Break is the hardest! The weather is so nice, the end is in sight, it stays lighter longer, the flowers are blooming... However, it is the most stressful part of the school year. PASS testing is right around the corner. I already feel nauseous, and I won't even be there for it this year! I have three weeks to finish mountains of paperwork plus all of the work for my grad classes, and we don't have a free weekend in April! I see late nights in the future!

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