Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 27, 2015

Last Week in February

Life has been busy for us. The day-to-day stuff takes up most of our time, and before I know it another week is gone.

We have had crazy weather this week. We were supposed to get a little snow Monday night, but the snow didn't start falling until about 7:00am. We still went to school surprisingly. It was snowing like crazy! The kids just wanted to watch it, so we didn't get a lot done at school. It stopped about noon, and most of it melted by the time we got out of school. I really felt bad that the kids didn't get to play in it.

I really felt badly because I didn't get to play in it with the boys. I took Brooks out early. He was unsure of it. Jackson did not want to go out. They ended up going sledding at a neighbor's house in my parents' neighborhood. Tim had the day off.

It was also an exciting day because I was named Teacher of the Year. I was very surprised and honored. Tim and the boys were there along with my parents. The boys were running wild. I am actually shocked they were able to stay quiet in that little room where they were hiding! I got home to some beautiful flowers and a card signed by the boys. We went to Earle Street for dinner to celebrate. It was an exciting day.

Wednesday was crazy too because a big snowstorm was in the forecast. We were supposed to get 6-8 inches of snow which would shut down the city for days! They decide to call school off for Thursday Wednesday afternoon when it was cloudy and 50 degrees. We went on to church. When we left, it was sleeting. I kept looking out the window through the night- no snow. We woke up Thursday to absolutely no snow and a day off school. Now that is another day to make up at the end of the year. We decided to go eat breakfast at Eggs Up Grill and then go on a snow hunt. Jackson had been flushing ice cubes hoping for snow and was disappointed. Clemson got about an inch, so we drove there to play. There was enough to make a mini snowman and throw some snow balls.

I am hoping for warmer weather and no more missed school!

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