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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jackson's Preschool Conference

We had Jackson's preschool conference on Friday. Before that, I thought I really was at peace with our decision to send him to public kindergarten, and now I am not sure. He is doing great academically and can even count backwards from 10 and knows the months of the year ( things his classmates couldn't do). He is doing really well with rhyming words and sounds. He is always sounding out words at home trying to figure out what they start with, and he can rhyme anything! He is doing well with math. Numbers seems to be his thing at this age. He can add stuff in his head and reason numerical problems.

His fine motor skills are still weak, but his teacher said they have come a long way. He still struggles with handwriting. Being a lefty and not caring make writing your name difficult. He still struggles to spell our last name which is no surprise. His teacher said that when he takes his time and feels like he has the time, he does better. That is so true about him- it has been his whole life ( his birth, eating, rolling over, walking, and now writing).  She also said that he prefers to answer questions with just her and not in front of a group, but he has started singing during circle time and answering in unison.

Anyway 7 out of 12 in his class are staying at Central for kindergarten. Then most are planning to do kindergarten again public school. This decision has been my struggle for awhile. If Kindergarten was just play, centers, and snack like it used to be, it wouldn't be a big deal. It is the new first grade with computerized tests and reading groups. I know he will be okay academically, but I worry about him socially. He has only been in the Central bubble. He is timid, and it takes him awhile to get adjusted to new situations. Plus he is young. He will be one of the youngest if not the youngest in his whole class. There will be kids there who are an entire year older. That is such a huge difference at 5 and 6. ( On this track, he will graduate when he is 17. I know that is far away, but it is a concern.) He is definitely not used to such a long day. 8-2:30 is going to be hard on him.

He is already registered for kindergarten at my school. I have already gone through the process of applying since we don't live in that zone. I am not applying for my dream job with ESOL because I need to stay at my school so the boys can go there. They are definitely not going to the school we are zoned for ( not because of the teachers but for many other reasons). Going to public kindergarten will help us financially and maybe I can quit my second job. I am excited to have him at school with me. I will get to see him more, and we eat lunch at the same time.

The biggest issue we have is with transportation. We don't have a way to get him to and from Central everyday. My mom's car can't fit 3 car seats in the back. He would only go 9-12. He could go to the early program, but it doesn't start until 7:30 which would cut it close for me getting to work on time. The extended afternoon ends at 3:00, and there is nobody to pick him up because I can't leave early everyday. I would definitely have to pick up some tutoring in addition to working my other job to pay for it.

I am so excited about James Walker, but I do feel like Jackson is paying the price for us having another baby. If life was perfect and easy, I would send him back to Central without even thinking about it, but there are too many things that don't work for that to happen.  I see what school is like now. Ignorance really would be bliss in this situation. I have been praying about this, but I haven't gotten my "sign" yet. I was hoping putting it in words would help.

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