Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

34 Weeks Old

Wow!  Jackson is 34 weeks old today!  That just seems so crazy!  We have had a busy but great week!

My mom took Jackson to therapy again on Wednesday.  He still cried, but he did better than when I was taking him in the afternoons.  We are going to continue going in the mornings and see how it goes!

Tim had several games this week, and I had to travel to Spartanburg for a school thing.  Jackson got a lot of one-on-one attention.

Laurel and Brent welcomed Brynlee Gray on Wednesday, January 25!  She weighed 5lbs, 9 oz, and is perfectly healthy.  All prayers were answered!  We can't wait to meet her!  We are hoping to head down to Charleston in 2 weeks to meet the latest Griswald!  She is absolutely precious and already has more hair than Jackson!

On Friday, we took Jackson for his eye appointment in Greenville. Sometimes babies with torticollis have vision problems that actually cause the tilting.  Since Jackson is not cooperating during therapy, they wanted to rule out other issues.  Dr. Hart thinks that Jackson is just being stubborn, and that does seem to be the case.  His vision is not causing the head tilt.  However, he does have an issue with his extreme left gaze.  It is nothing that we would recognize, only a trained doctor looking at it.  We do have to go back in 6 months to make sure that Jackson's vision is developing as it should.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful!  We enjoyed a great Saturday.  We had breakfast at MaryBeth's, then headed to a consignment sale, Clemson beat Wake Forest, and then we had a nice, long walk around our neighborhood.  There is nothing better than temps in the 60s in January! We spent some time outside, and Jackson was making some funny faces! Tim grilled burgers and we ate in our dining room.  Jackson sat in his booster seat for the first time and loved it!

Here are some pictures from this week:
                                                            Giving Daddy kisses!
I love apples!

Look at all of my hair!

First Time Brushing Teeth

Making Silly Faces!

My first time in my booster seat!

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