Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Litchfield 2013

We had a great time at our annual Griswald beach trip. The boys were great in the car and slept most of the way.

Jackson was a little nervous when he saw the beach for the first time in a year. He warmed up quickly though. He loved getting to run in the wide open space.he also loved looking for diggers. He filled up a bucket with sand and took his diggers everywhere. He also liked jumping waves and standing in the water. He didn't hate the sand, but he didn't play in it like I thought he would. He really liked sitting under the umbrella eating cookies and drinking Capri Suns. In fact as soon as we would get on the beach, he had to have his cookies.

Brooks loved the beach and slept for hours under the umbrella. He liked the water too.

We got to see lots of animals on this trip. Lots of sea turtles were laying nests while we were there. Tim, Jackson, and I got to watch them inventory a nest. Mickey and the boys caught a couple of sharks and a huge stingray. They had some big ones that broke the lines too. they were spinner sharks and jumped out of the water. we also saw a 3-4 foot shark swim right up to the sand where the girls were sitting. Jackson and I went on a walk with Noni, TuTu, and the girls to check out a new turtle nest. We walked almost to the point. Jackson did good walking and loved playing in the tide pools.  We saw tons of dolphins swimming along the coast. i have never seen so many at one time.We also got to see crabs, a horseshoe crab, and starfish.

Jackson and Brooks loved spending a week with a house full of people to hold them and play with them. Brooks loved being held by Berkley and Tayler. Jackson loved playing cars with anyone who would play with him. The boys were really sweet to him. He and Brynlee played really well together. Their favorite was hiding cars in soft drink boxes. They also liked playing on the porch and watching the birds and golf carts.

Thanks to Tu Tu and Berkley, Jackson discovered the ice cream truck. He could hear the music, and of course it comes by 5 times a day! Jackson also liked watching the trash truck (just like at home). Mickey even had the guys beep the horn at him.

We enjoyed lots of good seafood- fish, shrimp, stingray, crabs, etc.  Jackson had lots of Chick-fil-A.  The weather was perfect with lots of overcast days. There was always a nice breeze, and it never got too hot.

We tried to do lots of photo shoots with the help of the girls and M&Ms. Jackson did pretty good holding Brooks. Then he would get tired and try to push him head first into the sand. Thankfully there were lots of people to rescue him. We attempted to get a picture of Brooks, Jackson, and Parker. Both of my boys were not in the best moods. Brooks had been asleep, and Jackson just wanted to bully Brooks. Jackson never touched Parker.

We had a great time in Litchfield. It wasn't very crowded, and it was nice to have all of the extra hands to take care of the boys. I have wonderful memories of our annual family beach trip. I am so thankful we are passing these same traditions and memories to the boys.

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