Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

14 Weeks Old

Jackson is now 14 weeks old! We were very busy today and enjoyed spending the day just the three of us.  We started our day with breakfast at Mary Beth's. Then we walked to the Chocolate Moose to get cupcakes.  Tim ate his cupcake there, and Jackson ate his too.  Then we took Jackson to O.P. Taylor's, the toy store in downtown Greenville.  It was his first trip to a toy store.  He loved looking around at everything!  We headed to Babies-R-Us to get a Bumbo seat. This should help him sit up and not lean on his head so much.  We also went to 2 kids' boutiques, and Jackson got some cute outfits for the fall.  He needed some Halloween smocked outfits. (He really did need them!) Later in the afternoon, we went to the Anderson Greek Festival.  The food was delicious as usual!
14 Weeks

My first toy store

My New Clothes!

I still have trouble in my Bumbo!

Max likes the Bumbo too!

We watched some football games too. It is finally starting to feel like Fall even if it is still in the 80s. It is funny to watch Jackson look at the TV like he is watching the game too.

I am little depressed because the past 2 nights Jackson has not wanted me to hold him while he was falling asleep. He wanted Tim last night and just wanted to lay on our bed.  Then he just wanted to lay by himself tonight too. I still want him to love to cuddle.  I hope this is just a short phase!

By the way, he found his feet today.  He was in his swing and kicked one leg up.  He happened to see it and was just fascinated.  He tried to grab them but couldn't quite get them. It was so cute!

This past week he has loved playing with his toys.  His bee is his current favorite.  He also loves to lay on a quilt on the floor and play.
So Sweet!

I love to play!

He has not liked doing his stretches this week.  He gets so mad, and his face gets so red.  I hate making him upset, but I don't want him to end up with a helmet! We have been spitting up a lot lately, so our laundry load has doubled!

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