Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October and It Finally Feels Like Fall!

It has another busy week in the Van Heule house!  Jackson is still doing great!  He went to therapy again on Wednesday, and he was very excited to be back with Mrs. Kelly!  He couldn't stop smiling at her.  He worked really hard, but we still have some more goals to reach before we can decrease therapy to every other week.  The main thing that he has to be able to do is to roll over from his tummy to back and his back to tummy.  He also has to be able to turn his head while lying flat.  He does this at home, but will not do it there. Jackson also has to be able to bring his hands to the middle and grab toys while lying down.  He has almost mastered that one.  We still have to work on the stretches and upping his tummy time.  His head is beginning to pop out at the back.  We go back to Dr. Hart this week, so we will see what he says.  Please continue to pray that Jackson will not have to wear a helmet!

Daddy is getting Jackson dressed.

Jackson loves playing with Daddy!

Happy Fall Y'all!

I like my toes!

"Daddy, how many pictures is she going to take?"

"I am done with pictures!"

Playing at Noni's is exhausting!

To celebrate Jackson being 17 weeks old, we planned a busy Saturday.  We picked up Noni and headed to the Carolina Girls store to get free t-shirts. Then we went to eat breakfast at Mary Beth's in Greenville.  We decided to walk down to the Saturday Market.  We bought Rudy a treat and then went to get cupcakes. (How can we go to Greenville and not get cupcakes?) Then we went to Color Clay Cafe for Jackson to make his "Cookies for Santa" plate.  We also decided to make a tile and ornament while we there.  It took over two hours to finish the pieces, but I think they will turn out precious!  We want to make this a Christmas tradition-making a new Cookies for Santa plate each year.  After that, we went to Costco.  Who doesn't love Costco?  We headed home to watch the Clemson game on TV.  There couldn't have been a better end to a better Saturday: Clemson won, and Carolina lost!

"The things my mommy makes me do!"

I am not the artist in the family.

Tim is definitely the artist!

Jackson likes to stick his tongue out!

Jackson is 17 weeks old!

Go Tigers!

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