Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 4, 2011-Jackson's Birthday

Tim and I woke up before 5:00 so that we could get to the hospital by 6:00am.  We stopped by Dunkin Donuts for coffee and Munchkins on the way.  After checking in and getting settled, Dr. Hearn came by around 7:00.  Since I was already 2 cm, he decided to start right with the Pitocin.  He also did an ultrasound, and Jackson was face up instead of face down.

The goal was to wait for an epidural until about 11 or 12.  However the anesthesiologist was already at the hospital, so our wonderful nurse Amy said it would be better to go ahead and let him do it instead of sending him home and waiting for him to come back (He was on call.) when I felt I needed it.  I thought it was a good plan.  There were two other women ahead of me.  While I was waiting, Dr. Hearn came in and broke my water around 10:30.  I was already 4cm.  Then came the epidural. That was not as bad as I thought it would be.  The anesthesiologist was funny, so that kept my mind off what he was doing.  He was my second favorite person that day.  It was amazing the difference. I only had to feel contraction pain for 1 hour before the epidural kicked in. That has got to be one of the best medical inventions ever!

Tim came back in the room.  He had to disappear for the 45-50 min that it took for them to do the epidural.  Family members started showing up around 1:00.  Lisa came, and then my mom came. Then the rest of the Griswalds showed up-Ashlyn, Brent, Whitney, Kristi, Alexa, Rivers, Berkley, TuTu, Snookie, and Cookie.  Dr. Hearn came in to check me again around 4:30, and I was only 5cm!  I was so disappointed. Dr, Hearn said that it wouldn't be any earlier than midnight.  By that time, I was bored.  I couldn't get out of bed, and I couldn't eat. Everyone left to get something to eat but Tim, Mom, Dad, and Tu Tu.

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.  I was nervous and starting to feel some pressure. At 7:00, my nurse Amy left, and my new nurse Sheryl arrived.  She checked me around that time, and I was actually 7-8!  She also suggested that I lay on my side in an effort to turn Jackson to face down. I was starting to feel better!  Dr. Hearn came in around 9 to check me again, and he said that I was ready to push.

I finally started pushing around 9:30.  I was so grateful that Tim and my mom both stayed.  They were both wonderful, and I could not have had a better nurse!  Dr. Hearn came in and out.  Around 10:15, he came in and did not think that I was making enough progress.  He decided the best thing to do would be to use the vacuum and help Jackson along. The good news was that Jackson had changed position and was face down.  I continued to push and Dr. Hearn came back around 9:40.  He attached the vacuum to Jackson's head and helped him make his appearance.  Apparently, the vacuum thing was kind of strange, so I am glad that I did not have to watch it!

Jackson was born at 10:45 pm.  The cord was wrapped around his neck, so they immediately called the nursery to check him out.  He started crying before they came.  They immediately took him over to the warming bed and cleaned him off.  He weighed in at 8 lbs, 2 oz!  He was huge. I never thought he would be that big.  My doctor said that it was probably a good thing that we went ahead and induced instead of waiting until Tuesday or my actual due date!  That would have definitely meant a c-section!  Jackson was perfect, so I soon got to hold him and invite all of our visitors back to meet him!

First Family Picture

Big Boy

Noni and me

Papa J and me

Brent, Whitney, and me

My first bath

Daddy loves me!

My nurse and doctor were wonderful! They made the whole experience less scary and as good as it can get. The epidural was the best thing ever!  I am not sure how women go through that without one.  It is a personal decision, but I know that I could not do it!

Around midnight, our visitors left, and Tim went with Jackson to the nursery for bath time and to get checked out. (His APGAR score was 8-9.)  My mom stayed with, and I started to feel horrible.  Sweat was pouring off of me, and I felt like I was going to faint.  I don't even remember being moved into my new room.  Tim came back to the room and told me how Jackson did with his bath.  They did decide to check him for diabetes since he was so big. I couldn't even focus on what Tim was saying.  I felt that bad!  They soon brought Jackson to the room.  Mom decided that she would also spend the night since I was feeling so bad.  I am so glad she stayed.  I am not sure what we would have done if she didn't.  I could not get out of bed, and Tim was exhausted.  The nurse turned the air all the way down.  Tim and my mom froze while the sweat continued to pour. It was the longest night ever.  Labor and delivery was easy compared to that night!

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